2. http://www.pre-kpages.com/ This website was created by Vanessa and is designed to provide high-quality resources, information, and tools for parents and educators of young children. It is a venue to share information and ideas with others.
3. http://www.internet4classrooms.com/kindergarten_classroom_org.htm This website provides information and links to resources for classsroom organization, classroom management, time management, and center time organization.
4. http://www.teachervision.fen.com/classroom-management/resource/5803.htmlUse this site to get yourself, your classroom, and your paperwork organized. Use the checklists and tips to make sure you're ready for your students. There are resources to help you organize weekly lesson plans, grades, and assignments, maximize efficiency with time management tips. Also on the site are printable charts and forms to make planning and organizing easy and ideas for creating classroom centers and advice for new teachers.